Hippo Chow Down
- Actual Size: 30' L x 30' W x 6' H
- Setup Area: 35' LX35' W X 10' H
- Outlets: 2 Designated Circuits
- $539.00
Hippo Chow Down is guaranteed to keep your participants and spectators laughing for hours. This is a 4-player bungee tug-o-war style game that involves speed, strength and agility. Object of the game: Once the referee blows the whistle, each of the 4 players starts from their back wall and races to the pond of balls in the center of the game to retrieve as many balls as possible and return them to the mesh bag at their starting wall. Once all of the balls are chow’d down, the player with the most balls in their bag is the winner.
We REQUIRE an entrance to your space of at least 3 feet in width and a clear path leading up to your setup area which should be clean and free of debris.
- Inflatable safety ramp for easy entrance and exit.
- Safety netted door.
- Balls are included with rental.
- Adults should always be supervising the kids when they are in the inflatable.
- Please limit it to 4 kids at a time in the inflatable.
- Age limit is 3 and up.
- All participants must be the same size and weight.
- No Flipping.
- No jewelry or sharp objects.
- Minimum height is 42 inches.
- Weight limit is 200 pounds per person.
- Overall maximum weight in the unit is 800 pounds.
- Do Not operate any inflatable in 15mph winds or more.
- Never play in an inflatable when it's raining.
- Overnights: Overnight rentals are allowed as long as our equipment can be locked up when it is not being used.
- Concrete: Cement set ups are allowed. We cannot set up on rocks or gravel or uneven cement.
- Power: One (1) Blower (requires a separate outlet).